
Version 4 (modified by quinn, 10 years ago) (diff)


Pulso 2.0 Proposal

Technological upgrades

Upgrade 1: Adapt Pulso to function as software-as-a-service

This will allow multiple NGOs to create accounts so they may manage their own surveys and data. Required additions to the site would include:

  • Group accounts so site users are cordoned into their own space where they manage only their surveys and data. (6 hours)
  • Public site showcasing the service with pricing info, service details, support info. (5 hours)
  • Signup process that allows NGOs to create their own accounts. (6 hours)
  • Stripe API integration for accepting credit cards. (5.5 hours)
  • Account management UI for master account, users, billing. (4.5 hours)
  • Billing processor that tallies SMS usage and bills account holders for the cost of sending SMS, sends and manages invoices, canceling accounts on non-payment. (10 hours)

It will also include an ecommerce component so the fees to send SMS messages are billed through Pulso. With a large number of SMS messages sent through our one reseller account would be able to purchase SMS credits in a lower-priced tier that would give us leverage to resell SMS credits on discount. We would be able to use a small margin of cost mark-up to support other fees for maintaining the site. This of course would require the formation of a business structure, internal agreements and bank accounts. This would be a big step, but would be the best way to make it easily accessed by the world.

Upgrade 2: Generate a unique SMS phone number for each survey

This will allow survey concurrency, and also makes it easier to publish the survey in pubic advertising where the participant initiates the survey. This is a more realistic approach than collecting phone numbers first, and initiating the surveys from our end. Work to complete this includes:

  • SMS API modifications (1 hour)
  • Generate/revoke number for survey (3 hours)
  • Response processor for multiple numbers (2.5 hours)
  • UI enhancements (1 hour)

Upgrade 3: Dispatch module

This is the component that started our original idea. It will allow Pulso to be an SMS conduit between migrants and NGOs. Dispatch options could include:

  • Auto-reply with specific info
  • Summoning NGO support (auto-forward incoming SMS to NGO via email or phone)
  • Reporting issues

Miscellaneous improvements

We would like to continue refining Pulso ONG along the lines of the current design. These changes include:

  • Add drag-and-drop to reorder questions (instead of the Rank field). (2 hours)
  • In the admin interface add indications to questions that use advanced survey logic. (0.5 hours)
  • Convert the admin interface command links into a actions menu. (1 hour)
  • Explore an option to automatically publish data (sending it to a open data broker) or create a permanent public URL to download the data from a survey (which an open data broker could pull from). (2 hours)

Screen designs

New home page

Sign up form

Account settings (after logging in)

Account users

Create survey

Create trigger

Accounts administration (pulso staff only)