Updated: 11 Dec 2006 16:25:10 ===================================================================== codebase/ bin/ (generic command-line scripts and applications) acl.cli.php (Tool for managing the permissions of an ACL.inc.php based system) extract_gettext.pl (tool for exporting all the strings called by the _("Gettext function") ) file_importer.php install.sh module_maker/ (scripts for generating modules) _config.inc.php form_template.cli.php list_template.cli.php module.cli.php skel/ (templates for generating modules) adm_form.ihtml adm_list.ihtml admin.php public_list.ihtml public.ihtml public.php sql.cli.php validation.cli.php pedit_permissions.sh css/ (generic CSS files to be included using lib/CSS.inc.php) admin.inc.css (CSS for the generic Strangecode administration system) codebase.inc.css (CSS for html output by codebase libraries) utilities.inc.css (generic CSS tools) docs/ coding_standards.txt example_config.inc.php (an example of the _config.inc.php site-boot document) example_script_template.php example_virtualhost_directive.txt file_layout.txt gpl.txt revision_history.txt version.txt (the version number of this codebase) lib/ ACL.inc.php (provides Access Control List functionality) App.inc.php (provides global application functionality: sessions, href/url/IP manipulation, directories) Auth_File.inc.php (file-based authentication system) Auth_SQL.inc.php (sql-based authentication system) AuthorizeNet.inc.php (routines for connection to authorize.net's advanced processing interface) Cache.inc.php (provides session-based caching functionality for quick retreival of all PHP data types) CSS.inc.php (manage and deliver CSS data) DB.inc.php (minimal database abstraction layer) DBSessionHandler.inc.php (database session handler) Email.inc.php (provides email validation and sending functionality) FormValidator.inc.php (validation routines used to test incoming user data) Google_API.inc.php (class for connecting to, querying, and dealing with data of the Google API) Heirarchy.php (class for manipulation of heirarchies) Image.inc.php (manage printing of images related to db records) ImageThumb.inc.php (automated image thumbnailing routines) Lock.inc.php (db record locking system) MCVE.inc.php Navigation.inc.php (navigation element management class)) PageNumbers.inc.php (class for managing and printing various elements of page numbers and pagenation) PageSequence.inc.php (manage a sequence of steps and data from step form elements, like order checkout or signup) PayPal.inc.php PEdit.inc.php (page-by-page file-based content management system) Prefs.inc.php (class for semi-permenent storage of values) ScriptTimer.inc.php (timer for scripts) SortOrder.inc.php (class dealing with sorting of columns in database generated lists) SpellCheck.inc.php TemplateGlue.inc.php (functions that generating html) Upload.inc.php (class that manages uploading of files) Utilities.inc.php (functions for general utility: setting defaults, num/string functions, etc) Version.inc.php (db record versioning system) services/ (codebase scripts that are only useful when web accessible, i.e. to be used in a doc root) admins.php css.php lock.php login.php logout.php logs.php password.php phpinfo.php provides templates/ versions.php tests/ (unit-based tests for all codebase libraries) =================================================================================== Group of applications and related files, usually installed at /home/user/www.domain.com/ global/ (global level configuration and libraries for a group of sites/apps) config.inc.php (system-wide configuration) db_auth.inc.php (db-authentication for CLI scripts. chown'ed by user executing cron, NOT apache). docs/ (documents specific to a group of sites/apps) schema.mysql bin/ (global level command-line scripts) admin/ (DocumentRoot for the admin application) _config.inc.php _templates/ (templates used for the admin docroot) _widgets/ (graphic elements used by the admin docroot) admins.php (list, view, edit, delete administrators) css.php (style sheets loader) index.php lock.php (manage locked db records) login.php (login to the admin system) logout.php (accessing logs-out an admin) logs.php (view logs) password.php (change password of currently logged-in admin) phpinfo.php versions.php (manage db record versions) html/(DocumentRoot of main site application) _config.inc.php (configuration options and defaults specific to this site. included first in each script) _templates/ (site specific templates. templates here override global codebase templates with same name) css.php (style sheets loader)