Feb 19, 2014 2:28:00 AM (10 years ago)

Merged in changes from trunk to finish Eli's branch.

4 edited


  • branches/eli_branch

  • branches/eli_branch/bin/module_maker/_config.inc.php

    r439 r467  
    44 * For details visit the project site: <http://trac.strangecode.com/codebase/>
    55 * Copyright 2001-2012 Strangecode, LLC
    6  * 
     6 *
    77 * This file is part of The Strangecode Codebase.
    88 *
    1111 * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
    1212 * any later version.
    13  * 
     13 *
    1414 * The Strangecode Codebase is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    1515 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    1616 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
    1717 * details.
    18  * 
     18 *
    1919 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
    2020 * The Strangecode Codebase. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
    2727    // Determine common site directory.
    2828    $common_base = realpath($_SERVER['argv'][1]);
    3030    // First arg is path to current site. Realpath removes trailing /s
    3131    define('COMMON_BASE', $common_base);
  • branches/eli_branch/bin/module_maker/list_template.cli.php

    r444 r467  
    116116            $listrows[] = "<\x3fphp echo '9999-12-31' == \$list[\$i]['$field'] ? '' : date(\$app->getParam('date_format'), strtotime(\$list[\$i]['$field'])); \x3f>";
    117117        } else if (preg_match('/datetime/i', $type)) {
    118             $listrows[] = "<\x3fphp echo '0000-00-00 00:00:00' == \$list[\$i]['$field'] ? '' : date(\$app->getParam('date_format'), strtotime(\$list[\$i]['$field'])); \x3f>";
     118            $listrows[] = "<\x3fphp echo Validator::validateStrDate(\$list[\$i]['$field']) ? date(\$app->getParam('date_format'), strtotime(\$list[\$i]['$field'])) : ''; \x3f>";
    119119        } else if (preg_match('/date/i', $type)) {
    120             $listrows[] = "<\x3fphp echo '0000-00-00' == \$list[\$i]['$field'] ? '' : date(\$app->getParam('date_format'), strtotime(\$list[\$i]['$field'])); \x3f>";
     120            $listrows[] = "<\x3fphp echo Validator::validateStrDate(\$list[\$i]['$field']) ? date(\$app->getParam('date_format'), strtotime(\$list[\$i]['$field'])) : ''; \x3f>";
    121121        } else if (preg_match('/(amount|_rate)/i', $field)) {
    122122            $listrows[] = "<\x3fphp printf('$%01.2f', \$list[\$i]['$field']); \x3f>";
    140140<\x3fphp \$fv->printErrorMessages(); \x3f>
    142 <div id="commandbox">
     142<div class="commandbox">
    143143<form action="<\x3fphp echo oTxt(\$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); \x3f>" method="get">
    144144<\x3fphp \$app->printHiddenSession(false); \x3f>
    148148    <input type="text" class="sc-small" size="20" name="search_query" value="<\x3fphp echo getFormData('search_query'); \x3f>" title="<\x3fphp echo oTxt(_("Fields searched: __///__.")); \x3f>" />
    149149    <select name="filter___///__">
    150         <\x3fphp // printSelectForm('__///___tbl', "CONCAT(__///___id, '&mdash;', city, '&mdash;', title)", '__///___id', getFormData('filter___///__'), array('Any __///__'), 'ORDER BY __///__ ASC'); \x3f>
     150        <\x3fphp // printSelectForm('__///___tbl', "CONCAT(__///___id, '&mdash;', city, '&mdash;', title)", '__///___id', getFormData('filter___///__'), array('' => 'Any __///__'), 'ORDER BY __///__ ASC'); \x3f>
    151151    </select>
    152152    <input type="submit" name="list" value="<\x3fphp echo _("Search"); \x3f>" />
  • branches/eli_branch/bin/module_maker/skel/adm_list.ihtml

    r320 r467  
    22<?php $fv->printErrorMessages(); ?>
    4 <div id="commandbox">
     4<div class="commandbox">
    55    <span class="sc-nowrap commandtext"><a href="<?php echo $app->oHREF($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?op=add'); ?>"><?php echo _("Add %ITEM_TITLE%"); ?></a></span>
    66    <form action="<?php echo oTxt($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" method="get" class="sc-form">
    88        <input type="text" class="sc-small" size="20" name="search_query" value="<?php echo getFormData('search_query'); ?>" title="<?php echo oTxt(_("Fields searched: __///__ %SEARCH_FIELDS%.")); ?>" />
    99        <select name="filter___///__" class="sc-small">
    10             <?php // printSelectForm('__///___tbl', "CONCAT(__///___id, '&mdash;', city, '&mdash;', title)", '__///___id', getFormData('filter___///__'), array('Any __///__'), 'ORDER BY __///__ ASC'); ?>
     10            <?php // printSelectForm('__///___tbl', "CONCAT(__///___id, '&mdash;', city, '&mdash;', title)", '__///___id', getFormData('filter___///__'), array('' => 'Any __///__'), 'ORDER BY __///__ ASC'); ?>
    1111        </select>
    1212        <input type="submit" value="<?php echo _("Filter"); ?>" />
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.