Changeset 398 for trunk

Apr 2, 2012 5:42:09 AM (12 years ago)
2 edited


  • trunk/bin/acl.cli.php

    r396 r398  
    230230This script must be run in the common site directory (i.e. the parent
    231231directory of the document root). DB credentials are retrieved from:
    232 global/ so this file must exist. Further more this script
     232global/ so this file must exist. Furthermore this script
    233233must be executed as the owner of the file.
    236236Request Objects, ACO - Access Control Objects, and AXO - Access Xtra
    237237Objects. These are most often used as a USER -> ACTION -> OBJECT model,
    238 but can just as easily be SPICES -> CUISINES -> DISHES A privilege is
     238but could just as easily be SPICES -> CUISINES -> DISHES. A privilege is
    239239allowed if a user (ARO) can perform an action (ACO) on something (AXO).
    240 For example, Bob can edit article 4. If the AXO if omitted, this becomes
    241 "Bob can edit" (period).
    243 Each access object is stored as a node in hierarchical tree structures. A
    244 permission granted to a node is applied to all its children. If a child
    245 node is specified a different permission that is more specific that
     240For example, with an `ARO->ACO->AXO` of `Bob->edit->4`, Bob can edit article 4.
     241If the AXO were omitted (i.e. just `Bob->edit`), this becomes "Bob can edit"
     242(he can edit any object).
     244Each access object is stored as a node in hierarchical tree structures.
     245A permission granted to a node is applied to all its children. If a child
     246node is specified a different permission that is more specific than
    246247anything on the branch it will take precedence. If no permission is
    247248specified, root is used for that object. Root, in this case, means
  • trunk/lib/

    r396 r398  
    108108                session_id char(32) NOT NULL default '',
    109109                session_data mediumtext NOT NULL,
    110                 last_access timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
     110                last_access timestamp NOT NULL,
    111111                PRIMARY KEY (session_id),
    112112                KEY last_access (last_access)
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