PHPUnit_TestCase($name); } function setUp() { require dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; $this->App =& $app; } function tearDown() { unset($this->App); } function test_getinstance() { $thisapp =& App::getInstance(); $this->assertTrue(serialize($thisapp) == serialize($this->App), 'Objects do not match across instantiations.'); } function test_setParam() { $this->App->setParam(array( 'test_config_value' => 1234 )); $this->assertTrue(1234 === $this->App->_params['test_config_value']); } function test_getParam() { $this->App->_params['test_config_value2'] = 'okay'; $result = $this->App->getParam('test_config_value2'); $this->assertEquals('okay', $result); } function test_start() { unset($_SESSION); $this->App->stop(); $this->App->start(); $this->assertEquals(ini_get('error_reporting'), E_ALL, 'Error reporting not set to E_ALL.'); $this->assertTrue($this->App->db->dbh && is_resource($this->App->db->dbh), 'DB handler not a resource'); $this->assertTrue(isset($_SESSION), '$_SESSION is not set.'); $_SESSION['sess_test_value'] = 'okay'; $this->assertEquals($_SESSION['sess_test_value'], 'okay', '$_SESSION not storing values.'); $this->assertTrue(session_name() == 'StrangecodeTestSession', 'Session_name not set correctly.'); } function test_stop() { } function test_dbquery() { $db =& DB::getInstance(); $qid = $db->query("SELECT 2 + 2"); list($result) = mysql_fetch_row($qid); $this->assertEquals('4', $result); } function test_raisemsg() { $app =& App::getInstance(); $expected = 'My message'; $app->raiseMsg($expected, MSG_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__); $msg = current($_SESSION['_app'][$this->App->_ns]['messages']); $this->assertEquals($expected, $msg['message']); } function test_printraisedmessages() { ob_start(); $app =& App::getInstance(); $app->printraisedmessages(); $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertContains('My message', $result, 'Raised message not found in output.'); } function test_logmsg() { $app =& App::getInstance(); $file = $this->App->getParam('log_directory') . '/' . $this->App->getParam('log_filename'); $app->logMsg('Test log message', LOG_DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($result = file($file)) { $result = end($result); } else { $result = ''; } $this->assertContains('Test log message', $result, 'Test message not recorded in log: ' . $file); } function test_ohref() { $app =& App::getInstance(); $_GET['arg1'] = 'A'; $result = $app->ohref('/some/url.php', array('arg1'), true); $this->assertContains(session_name(), $result, 'SSID not found in URL.'); $this->assertContains('arg1=A', $result, 'Argument not passed through.'); } function test_printhiddensession() { $app =& App::getInstance(); ob_start(); $app->printhiddensession(); $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertContains(session_name(), $result); } // function test_dieurl() // { // $app =& App::getInstance(); // $app->dieURL('/die/to/this/url.php'); // } // // function test_dieboomerangurl() // { // $result = $this->App->dieboomerangurl(PARAM); // $expected = EXPECTED_VAL; // $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); // } // // function test_setboomerangurl() // { // $result = $this->App->setboomerangurl(PARAM); // $expected = EXPECTED_VAL; // $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); // } // // function test_getboomerangurl() // { // $result = $this->App->getboomerangurl(PARAM); // $expected = EXPECTED_VAL; // $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); // } // // function test_deleteboomerangurl() // { // $result = $this->App->deleteboomerangurl(PARAM); // $expected = EXPECTED_VAL; // $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); // } // // function test_validboomerangurl() // { // $result = $this->App->validboomerangurl(PARAM); // $expected = EXPECTED_VAL; // $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); // } // // function test_sslon() // { // $result = $this->App->sslon(PARAM); // $expected = EXPECTED_VAL; // $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); // } // // function test_ssloff() // { // $result = $this->App->ssloff(PARAM); // $expected = EXPECTED_VAL; // $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); // } } // Running the test. $suite = new PHPUnit_TestSuite('AppTest'); $result = PHPUnit::run($suite); echo $result->toString(); ?>