source: trunk/lib/ @ 641

Last change on this file since 641 was 640, checked in by anonymous, 6 years ago

Include full DB record in 'raw' index, and allow 'class' attribute, in HTML::getSelectOptions()

File size: 15.1 KB
3* The Strangecode Codebase - a general application development framework for PHP
4* For details visit the project site: <>
5* Copyright © 2014 Strangecode, LLC
7* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10* (at your option) any later version.
12* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15* GNU General Public License for more details.
17* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18* along with this program.  If not, see <>.
22* HTML()
24* Tools for building HTML from PHP data.
26* @author   Quinn Comendant <>
27* @version  1.0
28* @since    11 Sep 2014 21:08:06
30* Example of use:
32echo HTML::buttons(array(
33    array('name' => 'submit', 'value' => _("Save changes"), 'class' => 'small button', 'accesskey' => 's'),
34    array('name' => 'reset', 'value' => _("Reset"), 'class' => 'small button secondary', 'accesskey' => 'r'),
35    array('name' => 'cancel', 'value' => _("Cancel"), 'class' => 'small button secondary', 'accesskey' => 'c'),
[502]40class HTML
[500]43    // Browsers add names and ids of form controls as properties to the FORM. This results in the properties of the form being replaced.
44    // Use this list to warn the programmer if he uses an unsafe name.
45    //
[592]46    static $unsafe_form_control_names = array('accept','acceptCharset','action','addBehavior','addEventListener','addEventSource','addRepetitionBlock','addRepetitionBlockByIndex','all','appendChild','applyElement','ariaBusy','ariaChecked','ariaControls','ariaDescribability','ariaDisabled','ariaExpanded','ariaFlowto','ariaHaspopup','ariaHidden','ariaInvalid','ariaLabelledby','ariaLevel','ariaMultiselect','ariaOwns','ariaPosinset','ariaPressed','ariaReadonly','ariaRequired','ariaSecret','ariaSelected','ariaSetsize','ariaValuemax','ariaValuemin','ariaValuenow','attachEvent','attributes','ATTRIBUTE_NODE','autocomplete','baseURI','behaviorUrns','blockDiraction','blur','canHaveChildren','canHaveHTML','CDATA_SECTION_NODE','checkValidity','childElementCount','childNodes','children','className','clearAttributes','click','clientHeight','clientLeft','clientTop','clientWidth','cloneNode','COMMENT_NODE','compareDocumentPosition','componentFromPoint','constructor','contains','contentEditable','currentStyle','data','detachEvent','dir','dispatchEvent','dispatchFormChange','dispatchFormInput','document','DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE','DOCUMENT_NODE','DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY','DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS','DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED','DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING','DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC','DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING','DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE','dragDrop','elements','ELEMENT_NODE','encoding','enctype','ENTITY_NODE','ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE','fireEvent','firstChild','firstElementChild','focus','getAdjacentText','getAttribute','getAttributeNode','getAttributeNodeNS','getAttributeNS','getBoundingClientRect','getClientRects','getElementsByClassName','getElementsByTagName','getElementsByTagNameNS','getExpression','getFeature','getUserData','hasAttribute','hasAttributeNS','hasAttributes','hasChildNodes','hasOwnProperty','hideFocus','id','innerHTML','innerText','insertAdjacentElement','insertAdjacentHTML','insertAdjacentText','insertBefore','isContentEditable','isDefaultNamespace','isDefaultNamespaceURI','isDisabled','isEqualNode','isMultiLine','isPrototypeOf','isSameNode','isSupported','isTextEdit','item','lang','language','lastChild','lastElementChild','length','localName',
47    'lookupPrefix','mergeAttributes','method','moveRepetitionBlock','msBlockProgression','msBoxSizing','name','namedItem','namespaceURI','nextSibling','nodeName','nodeType','nodeValue','normalize','NOTATION_NODE','offsetHeight','offsetWidth','onabort','onactivate','onbeforeactivate','onbeforecopy','onbeforecut','onbeforedeactivate','onbeforeeditfocus','onbeforepaste','onblur','onchage','onclick','onclosecapture','oncontextmenu','oncopy','oncut','ondblclick','ondeactivate','ondrag','ondragend','ondragenter','ondragleave','ondragover','onerror','onfocus','onfocusin','onfocusout','onhelp','oninput','onkeydown','onkeypress','onkeyup','onmousedown','onmouseenter','onmouseleave','onmousemove','onmousemultiwheel','onmouseout','onmouseover','onmouseup','onmousewheel','onmove','onmoveend','onmovestart','onOffBehavior','onpaste','onpropertychange','onreadystatechange','onresize','onresizeend','onresizestart','onscroll','onsearch','onselect','onselectstart','ontimeerror','onunload','outerHTML','outerText','ownerDocument','parentNode','parentTextEdit','prefix','previousElementSibling','previousSibling','PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE','propertyIsEnumerable','querySelector','querySelectorAll','quotes','releaseCapture','removeAttribute','removeAttributeNode','removeAttributeNS','removeBehavior','removeChild','removeEventListener','removeEventSource','removeExpression','removeNode','removeRepetitionBlock','repeatMax','repeatMin','repeatStart','repetitionBlocks','repetitionIndex','repetitionTemplate','repetitionType','replace','replaceAdjacentText','replaceChild','replaceNode','reset','resetFromData','role','runtimeStyle','schemaTypeInfo','scopeName','scrollByLines','scrollByPages','scrollHeight','scrollIntoView','scrollLeft','scrollTop','scrollWidth','selectNodes','selectSingleNode','setActive','setAttributeNode','setAttributeNodeNS','setAttributeNS','setCapture','setExpression','setIdAttribute','setIdAttributeNode','setIdAttributeNS','setUserData','sourceIndex','spellcheck','style','submit','swapNode','tabIndex','tagName','tagUrn','target','templateElements','text','textContent','TEXT_NODE','title','toLocaleString','toString','uniqueID','unselectable','unwatch','urns','valueOf','watch','window');
[497]49    /**
50    * Prints submit buttons based on given array of submit button names and titles. If the array includes an 'href' key, the
51    * button is created using a <a> otherwise an <input type="
" /> is used.
52    *
53    * @access  public
54    * @param   array   $buttons     Array of buttons, the key being the button name, and value being the title of the button.
55    * @return  void
56    * @author   Quinn Comendant <>
57    * @version  1.0
58    * @since    12 Sep 2014 00:17:38
59    */
60    static public function printButtons($buttons=array(), $class='button-group')
61    {
[500]62        $app =& App::getInstance();
[497]64        if (!isset($buttons[0]) || !is_array($buttons[0])) {
65            $app =& App::getInstance();
66            $app->logMsg(sprintf('Incorrect parameters passed to HTML::buttons(): %s', getDump($buttons)), LOG_DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__);
67            return false;
68        }
69        if (empty($buttons)) {
70            return '';
71        }
72        ?><ul class="<?php echo oTxt($class) ?>"><?php
73        foreach ($buttons as $i => $b) {
74            $defaults = array();
75            $defaults['type'] = isset($b['type']) ? $b['type'] : 'submit';
76            $b = array_merge($defaults, $b);
77            if (isset($b['href'])) {
78                echo '<li><a';
79                foreach (array_diff_key($b, array('value' => null)) as $key => $value) {
80                    printf(' %s="%s"', $key, oTxt($value));
81                }
82                echo '>' . oTxt($b['value']) . '</a></li>';
83            } else if (isset($b['name'])) {
[500]84                if (in_array($b['name'], self::$unsafe_form_control_names)) {
85                    $app->logMsg(sprintf('Unsafe form control name: %s', $b['name']), LOG_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__);
86                }
[497]87                $defaults['id'] = isset($b['id']) ? $b['id'] : sprintf('sc-%s-button', $b['name']);
88                echo '<li><input';
89                foreach ($b as $key => $value) {
90                    printf(' %s="%s"', $key, oTxt($value));
91                }
92                echo ' /></li>';
93            } else {
94                $app->logMsg(sprintf('Button missing name or href: %s', getDump($b)), LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
95                continue;
96            }
97        }
98        ?></ul><?php
99    }
101    /*
102    * Return an array of key-value pairs matching a database query for the given parameters. This is useful for
103    * injecting into HTML::printSelectOptions().
104    *
105    * @access   public
106    * @param  string $db_table         database table to lookup
107    * @param  string $key_column       column containing the human-readable titles for the select menu
108    * @param  string $val_column       column containing the computer values for the select menu
109    * @param  string $preselected      the currently selected value of the menu. compared to the $val_column
110    * @param  bool   $first            Optional first item; set true for a blank item, array for item with name and value.
111    * @param  string $extra_clause     SQL exclude clause. Something like "WHERE girls != 'buckteeth'"
112    * @return array                    Array of options suitable to pass into HTML::printSelectOptions().
113    * @author   Quinn Comendant <>
114    * @version  1.0
115    * @since    12 Sep 2014 11:43:23
116    */
117    static public function getSelectOptions($db_table, $key_column, $val_column, $preselected, $first=false, $extra_clause='', $sql_format='SELECT %1$s, %2$s FROM %3$s %4$s')
118    {
119        $db =& DB::getInstance();
121        // Sometimes preselected comes as a comma list.
122        if (!is_array($preselected)) {
123            $preselected = array($preselected);
124        }
126        $options = array();
127        if (true === $first) {
128            // Include a blank first option.
129            $options[] = array(
130                'value' => '',
131                'selected' => in_array('', $preselected),
132                'text' => '',
133            );
134        } else if (is_array($first)) {
135            // When the 'blank' first option needs a specific key->val pair.
136            foreach ($first as $key => $val) {
137                $options[] = array(
138                    'value' => $key,
139                    'selected' => in_array($key, $preselected),
140                    'text' => $val,
141                );
142            }
143        }
145        $db =& DB::getInstance();
146        $qid = $db->query(sprintf($sql_format, $key_column, $val_column, $db_table, $extra_clause), false);
147        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qid)) {
148            $options[] = array(
149                'value' => $row[$val_column],
150                'selected' => in_array($row[$val_column], $preselected),
151                'text' => $row[$key_column],
[640]152                'raw' => $row,
[497]153            );
154        }
155        return $options;
156    }
[534]158    /*
159    *
160    *
161    * @access   public
162    * @param    array   $options    Array of options, with keys: value, selected, text
163    * @param    array   $deselected Array of values to disable in options.
164    * @return   array               Same options, but those with a value matching an element in $deselected will have a 'disabled' element of true.
165    * @author   Quinn Comendant <>
166    * @version  1.0
167    * @since    24 Jul 2015 01:41:33
168    */
169    static public function disableSelectOptions($options, $deselected)
170    {
171        $app =& App::getInstance();
172        $n = sizeof($options);
173        for ($i=0; $i < $n; $i++) {
174            $app->logMsg(sprintf('Disable check: %s == %s', $options[$i]['value'], getDump($deselected)), LOG_DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__);
175            $options[$i]['disabled'] = in_array($options[$i]['value'], $deselected);
176        }
177        return $options;
178    }
[497]180    /**
[590]181     * Get an array of option fields for a select form. Works only with enum or set
[497]182     * data types in table columns.
183     *
184     * @param  string $db_table     Database table to lookup
185     * @param  string $db_col       Database column to lookup
186     * @param  string $preselected  The currently selected value of the menu. compared to the $val_column
187     * @param  bool   $first        Optional first item; set true for a blank item, array for item with name and value.
188     * @param  bool   $sort         Sort the output.
189     */
190    static public function getSelectOptionsEnum($db_table, $db_col, $preselected, $first=false, $sort=false)
191    {
192        // Sometimes preselected comes as a comma list.
193        if (!is_array($preselected)) {
194            $preselected = array($preselected);
195        }
197        $options = array();
198        if (true === $first) {
199            // Include a blank first option.
200            $options[] = array(
201                'value' => '',
202                'selected' => in_array('', $preselected),
203                'text' => '',
204            );
205        } else if (is_array($first)) {
206            // When the 'blank' first option needs a specific key->val pair.
207            foreach ($first as $key => $val) {
208                $options[] = array(
209                    'value' => $key,
210                    'selected' => in_array($key, $preselected),
211                    'text' => $val,
212                );
213            }
214        }
216        $db =& DB::getInstance();
217        $values = $db->getEnumValues($db_table, $db_col, $sort);
218        foreach ($values as $v) {
219            $options[] = array(
220                'value' => $v,
221                'selected' => in_array($v, $preselected),
222                'text' => $v,
223            );
224        }
226        return $options;
227    }
229    /**
[590]230     * Prints select menu options with the specified array of keys and values.
[497]231     *
232     */
233    static public function printSelectOptions($options)
234    {
235        if (!isset($options) || !is_array($options)) {
236            $app =& App::getInstance();
237            $app->logMsg(sprintf('Incorrect parameters passed to HTML::printSelectOptions(): %s', getDump($options)), LOG_DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__);
238            return false;
239        }
240        if (empty($options)) {
241            return '';
242        }
244        foreach ($options as $o) {
[640]245            printf('<option value="%s"%s%s%s>%s</option>',
[497]246                oTxt($o['value']),
[640]247                (isset($o['class']) && sprintf(' class="%s"', $o['class']) ? : ''),
248                (isset($o['selected']) && $o['selected'] ? ' selected="selected"' : ''),
249                (isset($o['disabled']) && $o['disabled'] ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''),
[497]250                oTxt($o['text'])
251            );
252        }
253    }
255    /**
256     * Get a Gravatar URL for a specified email address.
257     *
258     * @param string $email The email address
259     * @param string $size Size in pixels, defaults to 80px [ 1 - 2048 ]
260     * @param string $d Default imageset to use [ 404 | mm | identicon | monsterid | wavatar ]
261     * @param string $r Maximum rating (inclusive) [ g | pg | r | x ]
262     * @return String containing a URL to a gravatar image.
263     * @source
264     */
265    static public function getGravatarURL($email, $size=80, $defset='mm', $rating='g') {
266        return sprintf('',
267            md5(strtolower(trim($email))),
268            $size,
269            $defset,
270            $rating
271        );
272    }
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.