* Copyright 2001-2012 Strangecode, LLC * * This file is part of The Strangecode Codebase. * * The Strangecode Codebase is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * The Strangecode Codebase is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * The Strangecode Codebase. If not, see . */ /** * PHPUnit test case for codebase/lib/Auth_SQL.inc.php * * The method skeletons below need to be filled in with * real data so that the tests will run correctly. Replace * all EXPECTED_VAL and PARAM strings with real data. * * Created with PHPUnit_Skeleton on 2005-08-09 */ require_once 'PHPUnit.php'; class Auth_SQLTest extends PHPUnit_TestCase { var $Auth_SQL; function Auth_SQLTest($name) { $this->PHPUnit_TestCase($name); } function setUp() { require dirname(__FILE__) . '/_config.inc.php'; require_once '../lib/Auth_SQL.inc.php'; $this->Auth_SQL =& new Auth_SQL('testauth'); $this->Auth_SQL->setParam(array( 'db_table' => 'test_user_tbl', 'db_primary_key' => 'user_id', 'db_login_table' => 'test_login_tbl', 'login_url' => '/login.php', 'blocking' => true, 'encryption_type' => AUTH_ENCRYPT_MD5_HARDENED, )); // Use fresh user table. $this->Auth_SQL->initDB(true); // Insert test data. $db =& DB::getInstance(); $db->query(" INSERT INTO test_user_tbl ( username, userpass, first_name, last_name, email ) VALUES ( 'testuser', '" . $this->Auth_SQL->encryptPassword('testpass') . "', 'John', 'Doe', 'root@localhost' ) "); } function tearDown() { $db =& DB::getInstance(); unset($this->Auth_SQL); $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_user_tbl"); $db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_login_tbl"); } function test_set() { $this->Auth_SQL->set('testuserkey', 'testuserval'); $this->assertEquals('testuserval', $_SESSION['_auth_sql'][$this->Auth_SQL->_ns]['user_data']['testuserkey']); } function test_get() { $_SESSION['_auth_sql'][$this->Auth_SQL->_ns]['user_data']['testuserkey'] = 'testuserval'; $val = $this->Auth_SQL->get('testuserkey'); $this->assertEquals('testuserval', $val); } function test_setparam() { $this->Auth_SQL->setParam(array( 'login_url' => 'testloginurl.php' )); $this->assertEquals('testloginurl.php', $this->Auth_SQL->_params['login_url']); } function test_getparam() { $this->Auth_SQL->_params['login_url'] = 'testloginurl.php'; $param = $this->Auth_SQL->getParam('login_url'); $this->assertEquals('testloginurl.php', $param); } function test_clear() { $login = $this->Auth_SQL->login('testuser', 'testpass'); $this->assertTrue($login, 'User login failed, but should have succeeded.'); $before_logged_in = $this->Auth_SQL->isloggedin(); $this->assertTrue($before_logged_in, 'User is not logged in, but should be.'); $this->Auth_SQL->clear(); $after_logged_in = $this->Auth_SQL->isloggedin(); $this->assertFalse($after_logged_in, 'User is still logged in but should not be.'); } function test_authenticate() { $true = $this->Auth_SQL->authenticate('testuser', 'testpass'); $this->assertTrue($true, 'User login failed, but should have succeeded.'); // Testing wrong password. $false = $this->Auth_SQL->authenticate('testuser', 'wrongpass'); $this->assertfalse($false, 'User login succeeded, but should have failed.'); } function test_login_and_isLoggedIn() { $login = $this->Auth_SQL->login('testuser', 'testpass'); $this->assertTrue($login, '1. User login failed, but should have succeeded.'); $before_logged_in = $this->Auth_SQL->isloggedin(); $this->assertTrue($before_logged_in, '2. User is not logged in, but should be.'); $this->Auth_SQL->clear(); $after_logged_in = $this->Auth_SQL->isloggedin(); $this->assertFalse($after_logged_in, '3. User is still logged in but should not be.'); // Testing wrong password. $login2 = $this->Auth_SQL->login('testuser', 'wrongpass'); $this->assertFalse($login2, '4. User login succeeded, but should have failed.'); $before_logged_in2 = $this->Auth_SQL->isloggedin(); $this->assertFalse($before_logged_in2, '5. User is logged in, but should not be.'); $this->Auth_SQL->clear(); $after_logged_in2 = $this->Auth_SQL->isloggedin(); $this->assertFalse($after_logged_in2, '6. Wrong user is still logged in but should not be.'); } function test_requirelogin() { // $this->Auth_SQL->requirelogin('Login is required!'); } function test_blockaccount() { $db =& DB::getInstance(); $this->Auth_SQL->login('testuser', 'testpass'); $this->Auth_SQL->blockaccount(null, 'blocktestuser'); $qid = $db->query(" SELECT blocked_reason FROM test_user_tbl "); list($reason) = mysql_fetch_row($qid); $this->assertEquals('blocktestuser', $reason, "Block not found in DB record."); } function test_unblockaccount() { $db =& DB::getInstance(); $db->query(" UPDATE test_user_tbl SET blocked_reason = 'blocktestuser' "); $this->Auth_SQL->unblockaccount(); $qid = $db->query(" SELECT blocked_reason FROM test_user_tbl "); list($reason) = mysql_fetch_row($qid); $this->assertTrue('' == $reason, "Block not removed from DB record."); } function test_usernameexists() { $result = $this->Auth_SQL->usernameexists('testuser'); $this->assertTrue($result); } function test_getusername() { $result = $this->Auth_SQL->getusername(1); $this->assertEquals('testuser', $result); } function test_generatepassword() { $result = $this->Auth_SQL->generatepassword('xCVcvd'); $this->assertRegExp('/[bcdfghjklmnprstvwxzBCDFGHJKLMNPRSTVWXZaeiouyAEIOUY0123456789][bcdfghjklmnprstvwxzBCDFGHJKLMNPRSTVWXZ][aeiouyAEIOUY][bcdfghjklmnprstvwxz][aeiouy][0123456789]/', $result, 'Generated password does not match intended pattern'); } function test_encryptpassword() { $this->Auth_SQL->setParam(array('encryption_type' => AUTH_ENCRYPT_MD5)); $result = $this->Auth_SQL->encryptpassword('123'); $this->assertEquals('202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70', $result); $this->Auth_SQL->setParam(array('encryption_type' => AUTH_ENCRYPT_MD5_HARDENED)); $result = $this->Auth_SQL->encryptpassword('123'); $this->assertEquals('c55e4ac608a8768ecd758fab971b0646', $result); $this->Auth_SQL->setParam(array('encryption_type' => AUTH_ENCRYPT_SHA1)); $result = $this->Auth_SQL->encryptpassword('123'); $this->assertEquals('40bd001563085fc35165329ea1ff5c5ecbdbbeef', $result); $this->Auth_SQL->setParam(array('encryption_type' => AUTH_ENCRYPT_SHA1_HARDENED)); $result = $this->Auth_SQL->encryptpassword('123'); $this->assertEquals('33d90af96a5928ac93cbd41fc436e8c55d2768c2', $result); $this->Auth_SQL->setParam(array('encryption_type' => AUTH_ENCRYPT_PLAINTEXT)); $result = $this->Auth_SQL->encryptpassword('123'); $this->assertEquals('123', $result); $this->Auth_SQL->setParam(array('encryption_type' => AUTH_ENCRYPT_CRYPT)); $result = $this->Auth_SQL->encryptpassword('123', 'saltstring'); $this->assertEquals('saEZ6MlWYV9nQ', $result); } function test_setpassword() { $db =& DB::getInstance(); $this->Auth_SQL->setParam(array('encryption_type' => AUTH_ENCRYPT_SHA1_HARDENED)); $this->Auth_SQL->setpassword(null, '123'); $qid = $db->query(" SELECT userpass FROM test_user_tbl "); list($pass) = mysql_fetch_row($qid); $this->assertEquals('33d90af96a5928ac93cbd41fc436e8c55d2768c2', $pass); } function test_resetpassword() { $result = $this->Auth_SQL->resetpassword(1, 'Because this is a test.'); $this->assertType('array', $result); } } // Running the test. $suite = new PHPUnit_TestSuite('Auth_SQLTest'); $result = PHPUnit::run($suite); echo $result->toString(); ?>