requireLogin(); App::sslOn(); require_once 'codebase/lib/'; require_once 'codebase/lib/'; require_once 'codebase/lib/'; require_once 'codebase/lib/'; require_once 'codebase/lib/'; require_once 'codebase/lib/'; require_once 'codebase/lib/'; require_once 'codebase/lib/'; /****************************************************************************** * CODE CONFIG *****************************************************************************/ // Titles and navigation header. $nav->addPage(_("Administrators"), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // The object to validate form input. $fv = new FormValidator(); // Instantiate a sorting object with the default sort and order. Add SQL for each column. $so = new SortOrder('admin_id', 'DESC'); $so->setColumn('admin_id', 'admin_id ASC', 'admin_id DESC'); $so->setColumn('username', 'username ASC', 'username DESC'); $so->setColumn('userpass', 'userpass ASC', 'userpass DESC'); $so->setColumn('first_name', 'first_name ASC', 'first_name DESC'); $so->setColumn('last_name', 'last_name ASC', 'last_name DESC'); $so->setColumn('phone', 'phone ASC', 'phone DESC'); $so->setColumn('email', 'email ASC', 'email DESC'); $so->setColumn('priv', 'priv ASC', 'priv DESC'); $so->setColumn('seconds_online', 'seconds_online ASC', 'seconds_online DESC'); $so->setColumn('added_datetime', 'added_datetime ASC', 'added_datetime DESC'); $so->setColumn('last_login_datetime', 'last_login_datetime ASC', 'last_login_datetime DESC'); $so->setColumn('last_access_datetime', 'last_access_datetime ASC', 'last_access_datetime DESC'); $so->setColumn('last_login_ip', 'last_login_ip ASC', 'last_login_ip DESC'); // Instantiate page numbers. Total items are set and calculation is done in the getRecordList function. $page = new PageNumbers(); $page->setPerPage(getFormData('per_page'), 50); $page->setPageNumber(getFormData('page_number')); /****************************************************************************** * MAIN *****************************************************************************/ // We may want to use the add/edit interface from another script, so this // allows us to remember which page we came from so we can go back there. if (getFormData('boomerang', false)) { App::setBoomerangURL($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'admins'); } if (getFormData('break_list_cache', false)) { // Break the cache because we are changing the list data. SessionCache::breakCache($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } // What action to take. switch (getFormData('op')) { case 'add' : // Initialize variables for the form template. $frm =& addRecordForm(); $nav->addPage(_("Add Admin")); $main_template = 'admin_form.ihtml'; break; case 'edit' : // Initialize variables for the form template. $frm =& editRecordForm(getFormData('admin_id')); $nav->addPage(_("Edit Admin")); $main_template = 'admin_form.ihtml'; break; case 'del' : deleteRecord(getFormData('admin_id')); if (App::validBoomerangURL('admins')) { // Display boomerang page. App::dieBoomerangURL('admins'); } // Display default page. App::dieURL($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); break; case 'insert' : if (getFormdata('cancel', false)) { App::dieURL($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } validateInput(); if ($fv->anyErrors()) { $frm =& addRecordForm(); $frm = array_merge($frm, getFormData()); $nav->addPage(_("Add Admin")); $main_template = 'admin_form.ihtml'; } else { $admin_id = insertRecord(getFormData()); if (getFormdata('repeat', false)) { // Display function again. App::dieURL($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?op=add'); } else if (App::validBoomerangURL('admins')) { // Display boomerang page. App::dieBoomerangURL('admins'); } // Display default page. App::dieURL($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } break; case 'update' : if (getFormdata('reset', false)) { App::raiseMsg(_("Saved values have been reloaded."), MSG_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__); App::dieURL($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?op=edit&admin_id=' . getFormData('admin_id')); } if (getFormdata('cancel', false)) { // Remove lock $lock =& RecordLock::getInstance($GLOBALS['auth']); $lock->select('admin_tbl', 'admin_id', getFormData('admin_id')); $lock->remove(); if (App::validBoomerangURL('admins')) { // Display boomerang page. App::dieBoomerangURL('admins'); } // Display default page. App::dieURL($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } validateInput(); if ($fv->anyErrors()) { $frm =& editRecordForm(getFormData('admin_id')); $frm = array_merge($frm, getFormData()); $nav->addPage(_("Edit Admin")); $main_template = 'admin_form.ihtml'; } else { updateRecord(getFormData()); if (getFormdata('repeat', false)) { // Display edit function with next available ID. $qid = DB::query("SELECT admin_id FROM admin_tbl WHERE admin_id > '" . addslashes(getFormData('admin_id')) . "' ORDER BY admin_id ASC LIMIT 1"); if (list($next_id) = mysql_fetch_row($qid)) { App::dieURL($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?op=edit&admin_id=' . $next_id); } else { App::raiseMsg(_("Cannot edit next, the end of the list was reached"), MSG_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__); } } else if (App::validBoomerangURL('admins')) { // Display boomerang page. App::dieBoomerangURL('admins'); } // Display default page. App::dieURL($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } break; default : $list =& getRecordList(); $main_template = 'admin_list.ihtml'; break; } /****************************************************************************** * TEMPLATE INITIALIZATION *****************************************************************************/ include 'header.ihtml'; include 'codebase/services/templates/' . $main_template; include 'footer.ihtml'; /****************************************************************************** * FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************************/ function validateInput() { global $fv, $auth; // If the username was changed during edit, verify. if (((getFormData('username') != getFormData('old_username')) && 'update' == getFormData('op')) || 'insert' == getFormData('op')) { if ($auth->usernameExists(getFormData('username'))) { $fv->addError('username', sprintf(_("The username %s already exists. Please choose another."), getFormData('username'))); } } // If the username was changed during edit, verify. if (getFormData('priv') == 'root' && 'root' != $auth->getVal('priv')) { $fv->addError('priv', sprintf(_("You do not have clearance to create a user with root privileges."), null)); } $fv->numericRange('admin_id', -32768, 32767, _("Admin id must be a valid number between -32768 and 32767.")); $fv->isEmpty('username', _("Username cannot be blank.")); $fv->stringLength('username', 0, 255, _("Username must contain less than 256 characters.")); $fv->isEmpty('userpass', _("Passwords cannot be blank.")); $fv->stringLength('userpass', 6, 36, _("Passwords must be between 6 and 36 characters long.")); $fv->stringLength('first_name', 0, 255, _("First name must contain less than 256 characters.")); $fv->stringLength('last_name', 0, 255, _("Last name must contain less than 256 characters.")); $fv->stringLength('phone', 0, 255, _("Phone must contain less than 256 characters.")); $fv->validatePhone('phone'); $fv->stringLength('email', 0, 255, _("Email must contain less than 256 characters.")); $fv->validateEmail('email'); $fv->stringLength('county', 0, 255, _("County has an invalid selection.")); $fv->stringLength('priv', 0, 255, _("Priv has an invalid selection.")); } function &addRecordForm() { // set default values for the reset of the fields. $frm['priv'] = 'admin'; $frm['new_op'] = 'insert'; $frm['submit_caption'] = _("Add admin"); $frm['repeat_caption'] = _("Add & repeat"); $frm['cancel_caption'] = _("Cancel"); return $frm; } function &editRecordForm($id) { $lock =& RecordLock::getInstance($GLOBALS['auth']); $lock->select('admin_tbl', 'admin_id', $id); if ($lock->isLocked() && !$lock->isMine()) { $lock->dieErrorPage(); } else { // Get the information for the form. $qid = DB::query(" SELECT * from admin_tbl WHERE admin_id = '" . addslashes($id) . "' "); if (!$frm = mysql_fetch_assoc($qid)) { App::logMsg('Could not find record with admin_id: ' . $id, LOG_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__); App::raiseMsg(sprintf(_("The requested record %s could not be found"), $id), MSG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); App::dieBoomerangURL(); } // Lock this record. $lock->set('admin_tbl', 'admin_id', $id, $frm['address']); // Set misc values for the form. $frm['old_username'] = $frm['username']; $frm['userpass'] = '***************'; $frm['new_op'] = 'update'; $frm['submit_caption'] = _("Save changes"); $frm['repeat_caption'] = _("Save & edit next"); $frm['reset_caption'] = _("Reset"); $frm['cancel_caption'] = _("Cancel"); $frm['admin_id'] = $id; return $frm; } } function deleteRecord($id) { global $auth; $lock =& RecordLock::getInstance($GLOBALS['auth']); $lock->select('admin_tbl', 'admin_id', $id); if ($lock->isLocked() && !$lock->isMine()) { $lock->dieErrorPage(); } else { // Break the cache because we are changing the list data. SessionCache::breakCache($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // Get the information for this object. $qid = DB::query(" SELECT username, priv from admin_tbl WHERE admin_id = '" . addslashes($id) . "' "); if (! list($name, $priv) = mysql_fetch_row($qid)) { App::logMsg('Could not find record with admin_id: ' . $id, LOG_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__); App::raiseMsg(sprintf(_("The requested record %s could not be found"), $id), MSG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); App::dieBoomerangURL(); } // Get the information for this object. $qid = DB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) from admin_tbl"); list($num_admins) = mysql_fetch_row($qid); if ('root' == $priv && 'root' != $auth->getVal('priv')) { // Only root users can delete root users! App::raiseMsg(_("You do not have clearance to delete a root administrator."), MSG_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__); } else if ($num_admins <= 1) { // There must always be at least one admnistrator! App::raiseMsg(_("You cannot delete the only administrator in the database. There must be at least one to log in and create other users."), MSG_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__); } else if ($auth->getVal('user_id') == $id) { // Do not delete yourself! App::raiseMsg(_("You cannot delete yourself."), MSG_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { // Delete the record. DB::query("DELETE FROM admin_tbl WHERE admin_id = '" . addslashes($id) . "'"); App::raiseMsg(sprintf(_("The admin %s has been deleted."), $name), MSG_SUCCESS, __FILE__, __LINE__); } // Unlock record. $lock->remove(); } } function insertRecord($frm) { global $auth; // Break the cache because we are changing the list data. SessionCache::breakCache($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // Insert record data. DB::query(" INSERT INTO admin_tbl ( username, first_name, last_name, phone, email, priv, added_datetime ) VALUES ( '" . addslashes($frm['username']) . "', '" . addslashes($frm['first_name']) . "', '" . addslashes($frm['last_name']) . "', '" . addslashes($frm['phone']) . "', '" . addslashes($frm['email']) . "', '" . addslashes($frm['priv']) . "', NOW() ) "); $last_insert_id = mysql_insert_id(DB::getDBH()); // Set admin password. $auth->setPassword($last_insert_id, $frm['userpass']); App::raiseMsg(sprintf(_("The admin %s has been added."), $frm['username']), MSG_SUCCESS, __FILE__, __LINE__); return $last_insert_id; } function updateRecord($frm) { global $auth; $lock =& RecordLock::getInstance($GLOBALS['auth']); $lock->select('admin_tbl', 'admin_id', $frm['admin_id']); if ($lock->isLocked() && !$lock->isMine()) { $lock->dieErrorPage(); } else { // Break the cache because we are changing the list data. SessionCache::breakCache($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // If the userpass is left blank or with the filler **** characters, we don't want to update it. if (!empty($frm['userpass']) && !preg_match('/[\*]{4,}/', $frm['userpass'])) { // Set user password. $auth->setPassword($frm['admin_id'], $frm['userpass']); } // Update record data. DB::query(" UPDATE admin_tbl SET username = '" . addslashes($frm['username']) . "', first_name = '" . addslashes($frm['first_name']) . "', last_name = '" . addslashes($frm['last_name']) . "', phone = '" . addslashes($frm['phone']) . "', email = '" . addslashes($frm['email']) . "', priv = '" . addslashes($frm['priv']) . "' WHERE admin_id = '" . addslashes($frm['admin_id']) . "' "); App::raiseMsg(sprintf(_("The admin %s has been updated."), $frm['username']), MSG_SUCCESS, __FILE__, __LINE__); // Unlock record. $lock->remove(); } } function &getRecordList() { global $page; global $so; // Build search query if $qry is not empty. $sql_delim = 'WHERE'; $search_where_clause = ''; $qry = getFormData('search_query'); if (!empty($qry)) { $qry_words = preg_split('/[^\w]/', $qry); for ($i=0; $isetTotalItems($num_results); $page->calculate(); // Final SQL, with sort and page limiters. $sql = " SELECT * FROM admin_tbl $where_clause " . $so->getSortOrderSQL() . " " . $page->getLimitSQL() . " "; // A unique key for this query, with the total_items in case db records // were added since the last cache. This identifies a unique set of // cached data, but we must refer to the list that is cached by a more // generic name. so that we can flush the cache (if records updated) // without knowing the hash. $cache_hash = md5($sql . '|' . $page->total_items); if (Prefs::getValue('cache_hash', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) != $cache_hash) { SessionCache::breakCache($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); Prefs::setValue('cache_hash', $cache_hash, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } if (SessionCache::isCached($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) && FALSE) { /// // Get the cached results. $list = SessionCache::getCache($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } else { // If the list is not already cached, query now. $qid = DB::query($sql); // Fill an array with the items for this page. while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qid)) { $list[] = $row; } // Cache the results. SessionCache::putCache($list, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } return $list; } ?>