log_directory, realpath(SITE_BASE . '/../log')); // Don't display errors, but do log them to a file. setDefault($CFG->display_errors, false); // Database debugging. setDefault($CFG->db_debug, false); // TRUE = display db errors. setDefault($CFG->db_die_on_failure, true); // TRUE = script stops on db error. setDefault($CFG->db_always_debug, false); // TRUE = display all SQL queries. // Logging priority can be any of the following, or null to deactivate: // LOG_EMERG system is unusable // LOG_ALERT action must be taken immediately // LOG_CRIT critical conditions // LOG_ERR error conditions // LOG_WARNING warning conditions // LOG_NOTICE normal, but significant, condition // LOG_INFO informational message // LOG_DEBUG debug-level message setDefault($CFG->log_file_priority, LOG_DEBUG); setDefault($CFG->log_email_priority, LOG_WARNING); setDefault($CFG->log_sms_priority, false); setDefault($CFG->log_screen_priority, false); // Email address to receive log event emails. setDefault($CFG->log_to_email, 'log@strangecode.com'); // SMS Email address to receive log event SMS messages setDefault($CFG->log_to_sms, 'sms@strangecode.com'); // General error log for the applications. setDefault($CFG->log_filename, 'app_error_log'); /****************************************************************************** * CODEBASE FEATURES *****************************************************************************/ // Use mysql database? setDefault($CFG->enable_mysql, true); // Use php sessions? setDefault($CFG->enable_session, true); // Use mysql-based sessions? setDefault($CFG->enable_mysql_session_handler, true); /****************************************************************************** * USER LOGIN SETTINGS *****************************************************************************/ // The maximum amount of time a user is allowed to be logged in. // They will be forced to login again if they expire. // This applies to admins and users. In seconds. // 21600 seconds = 6 hours. setDefault($CFG->login_timeout, 21600); // The maximum amount of time a user is allowed to be idle before // their session expires. They will be forced to login again if they expire. // This applies to admins and users. In seconds. // 3600 seconds = 1 hour. setDefault($CFG->idle_timeout, 3600); /****************************************************************************** * ACCOUNT ABUSE SETTINGS *****************************************************************************/ // The period of time to compare login abuse attempts. If a threshold of // logins is reached in this amount of time the account is blocked. // Days and hours, like this: 'DD:HH' $CFG->login_abuse_timeframe = '04:00'; // 4 days // The number of warnings a user will receive (and their password reset each // time) before their account is completely blocked. $CFG->login_abuse_warnings = 3; // The maximum number of IP addresses a user can login with over the // timeout period before their account is blocked. $CFG->login_abuse_max_ips = 5; // The IP address subnet size threshold. Uses a CIDR notation // network mask. Any integar between 0 and 32 is permitted. Setting this // to '24' permits any address in a class C network ( // to be considered the same. Setting to '32' compares each IP absolutely. // Setting to '0' ignores all IPs. $CFG->login_abuse_ip_bitmask = 32; // Array of IP addresses or hostnames that are to be granted relaxed auth access. // Specifically, these will be networks that fall behind shifting proxy server // and because the client IP would change between requests auth would fail. setDefault($CFG->trusted_networks, array()); /****************************************************************************** * SESSION CONFIGURATION *****************************************************************************/ // Session name. setDefault($CFG->session_name, 'Strangecode'); // If not using cookies, will pass session ID by URL. setDefault($CFG->session_use_cookies, true); // Skip session for some user agents. if (preg_match('/Atomz|ApacheBench|Wget/i', getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT'))) { $CFG->enable_session = false; } // The maximum byte size that the session cache will hold. // Used in SessionCache.inc.php define('SESSION_CACHE_SIZE_BYTES', 204800); // 200 Kilobytes. /****************************************************************************** * ET CETERA *****************************************************************************/ // Used as the fifth parameter to mail() to set the return address for sent messages. Requires safe_mode off. setDefault($CFG->envelope_sender_address, "-f $CFG->site_email"); // Character set for page output. Used by App::oTxt(), boot.inc.php sends a Content-Type header, and header.ihtml should have tag. setDefault($CFG->character_set, 'ISO-8859-1'); // A key for calculating simple cryptographic signatures. if (!empty($_SERVER['SIGNING_KEY'])) { $CFG->signing_key = $_SERVER['SIGNING_KEY']; } else { $CFG->signing_key = 'change me please'; } // The human-readable format used to display dates. setDefault($CFG->date_format, 'd M Y'); setDefault($CFG->mysql_date_format, '%e %b %Y'); setDefault($CFG->mysql_time_format, '%k:%i'); ?>