* @version 1.1 */ class Prefs { /** * Where these preferences can be used. To differentiate between preferences * for a specific script, application, or global. * @var string $scope */ var $scope = 'global'; /** * Indicator whether we save in the database or not. * @var boolean $_perpetual */ var $_perpetual = false; /** * Hash containing connection parameters. * @var array $params */ var $params = array(); /** * Prefs constructor. */ function Prefs($dbh=false, $params=array()) { $this->params = $params; $_perpetual = false; // Until database routines are completed. } /** * Sets the default value of a preference. The pref will be set only if * is not set already. * * @param string $pref The name of the preference to modify. * @param string $val The new value for this preference. * @param string $scope The scope for this preference. * * @return boolean True if the value was successfully set. */ function setDefault($pref, $val, $scope=null) { if (!isset($scope)) { $scope =& $this->scope; } // No empty values allowed. if ('' == $pref || '' == $val || '' == $scope) { return false; } // Initialized the prefs array. if (!isset($_SESSION['_prefs'])) { $_SESSION['_prefs'] = array(); } // In case boolean or null values are passed as a string. if ($val == 'true') { $val = true; } else if ($val == 'false') { $val = false; } else if ($val == 'null') { $val = null; } // Set it only if not set already. if (!isset($_SESSION['_prefs'][$scope][$pref])) { $_SESSION['_prefs'][$scope][$pref] = $val; return true; } } /** * Sets the given preferences to the specific value, * * @param string $pref The name of the preference to modify. * @param string $val The new value for this preference. * @param string $scope The scope for this preference. * * @return boolean True if the value was successfully set. */ function setValue($pref, $val, $scope=null) { if (!isset($scope)) { $scope =& $this->scope; } // No empty values allowed. if ('' == $pref || '' == $val || '' == $scope) { return false; } // Initialized the prefs array. if (!isset($_SESSION['_prefs'])) { $_SESSION['_prefs'] = array(); } // In case boolean or null values are passed as a string. if ($val == 'true') { $val = true; } else if ($val == 'false') { $val = false; } else if ($val == 'null') { $val = null; } $_SESSION['_prefs'][$scope][$pref] = $val; return true; } /** * Returns the value of the requested preference. * * @param string $pref The name of the preference to retrieve. * @param string $scope The scope for this preference. * * @return string The value of the preference. */ function getValue($pref, $scope=null) { if (!isset($scope)) { $scope =& $this->scope; } return (isset($_SESSION['_prefs'][$scope][$pref])) ? $_SESSION['_prefs'][$scope][$pref] : null; } /** * To see if a preference has been set. * * @param string $pref The name of the preference to check. * @param string $scope The scope for this preference. * * @return boolean True if the preference isset and not empty * false otherwise. */ function exists($pref, $scope=null) { if (!isset($scope)) { $scope =& $this->scope; } return isset($_SESSION['_prefs'][$scope][$pref]); } /** * Clear a set preference value. * * @param string $pref The name of the preference to check. * @param string $scope The scope for this preference. */ function clearValue($pref, $scope=null) { if (!isset($scope)) { $scope =& $this->scope; } if (isset($_SESSION['_prefs'][$scope][$pref])) { unset($_SESSION['_prefs'][$scope][$pref]); } } /** * Retrieves the requested set of preferences from the user's database * entry. * * @param optional array $prefs An array listing the preferences to * retrieve. If not specified, retrieve all of the * preferences listed in the $prefs hash. * * @return mixed True on success or a PEAR_Error object on failure. */ function retrieve() { // Check that we don't have the preferences loaded yet. if ($_SESSION['_prefs']['loaded'] == true || !$_perpetual) { return true; } // FIXME: Database query goes here.... return false; $_SESSION['_prefs']['loaded'] = true; } /** * Stores preferences to SQL server. * * @param array $prefs (optional) An array listing the preferences to be * stored. If not specified, store all of the * preferences listed in the $prefs hash. * * @return mixed True on success or a PEAR_Error object on failure. */ function store($prefs=array()) { $app =& App::getInstance(); // If we are not storing prefs in perpetually. if (!$_perpetual) { return true; } /* * If a list of preferences to store hasn't been provided in * $prefs, assume all preferences are desired. */ if (empty($prefs)) { $prefs =& $_SESSION['_prefs']; } else if ($_SESSION['_prefs']['loaded'] == true) { $prefs = array_merge($_SESSION['_prefs'], $prefs); } if (!is_array($prefs) || empty($prefs)) { $app->raiseMsg(_("No preferences are available."), MSG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); $app->dieBoomerangURL(); } // FIXME: Database query goes here.... return false; } /** * Perform cleanup operations. */ function cleanup() { $_SESSION['_prefs'] = array(); } } ?>