* @requires App.inc.php * @version 1.0 */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/App.inc.php'; class RecordVersion { var $record_version_max_qty = 100; // Never have more than this many versions of each record. var $record_version_min_qty = 25; // Keep at least this many versions of each record. var $record_version_min_days = 7; // Keep ALL versions within this many days, even if MORE than record_version_min_qty. /** * Saves a version of the current record into the version table. * * @param string $record_table The table containing the record. * @param string $record_key The key column for the record. * @param string $record_val The value of the key column for the record. * @param string $title The title of this record. Only used for human presentation. * * @return int The id for the version (mysql last insert id). */ function create($record_table, $record_key, $record_val, $title='') { global $_admin; // Get current record. if (!$record = $this->getCurrent($record_table, $record_key, $record_val)) { logMsg(sprintf('Could not create %s version, record not found: %s, %s, %s.', $title, $record_table, $record_key, $record_val), LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } // Clean-up old versions. $this->deleteOld($record_table, $record_key, $record_val); // Save as new version. dbQuery(" INSERT INTO version_tbl ( record_table, record_key, record_val, version_data, version_title, saved_by_admin_id, version_datetime ) VALUES ( '" . addslashes($record_table) . "', '" . addslashes($record_key) . "', '" . addslashes($record_val) . "', '" . addslashes(gzcompress(serialize($record), 9)) . "', '" . addslashes($title) . "', '" . addslashes($_admin->getVal('user_id')) . "', NOW() ) "); return mysql_insert_id($GLOBALS['dbh']); } /** * Copy a version back into it's original table. * * @param string $version_id The id of the version to restore. * * @return int The id for the version (mysql last insert id). */ function restore($version_id) { // Get version data. $qid = dbQuery(" SELECT * FROM version_tbl WHERE version_id = '" . addslashes($version_id) . "' "); $record = mysql_fetch_assoc($qid); $data = unserialize(gzuncompress($record['version_data'])); $qid = dbQuery("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . addslashes($record['record_table'])); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qid)) { $fields[] = $row['Field']; } $schema_diff = array_diff($fields, array_keys($data)); if (sizeof($schema_diff) > 0 || sizeof($fields) != sizeof($data)) { raiseMsg(sprintf(_("Version ID %s%s is not compatable with the current database table."), $version_id, (empty($record['version_title']) ? '' : ' (' . $record['version_title'] . ')')), MSG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); logMsg('Version restoration failed, DB schema change: (' . join(', ', $schema_diff) . ')', LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } // Replace current record with specified version. dbQuery(" REPLACE INTO " . $record['record_table'] . " ( " . join(",\n", array_map('addslashes', array_keys($data))) . " ) VALUES ( '" . join("',\n'", array_map('addslashes', $data)) . "' ) "); return $record; } /** * Version garbage collection. Deletes versions older than record_version_min_days * when quantity of versions exceeds record_version_min_qty. If quantity * exceeds 100 within record_version_min_days, the oldest are deleted to bring the * quantity back down to record_version_min_qty. * * @param string $record_table The table containing the record. * @param string $record_key The key column for the record. * @param string $record_val The value of the key column for the record. * * @return mixed Array of versions, or false if none. */ function deleteOld($record_table, $record_key, $record_val) { // Get total number of versions for this record. $qid = dbQuery(" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM version_tbl WHERE record_table = '" . addslashes($record_table) . "' AND record_key = '" . addslashes($record_key) . "' AND record_val = '" . addslashes($record_val) . "' "); list($v_count) = mysql_fetch_row($qid); if ($v_count > $this->record_version_min_qty) { if ($v_count > $this->record_version_max_qty) { // To prevent a record bomb, limit max number of versions to record_version_max_qty. $qid = dbQuery(" SELECT version_id FROM version_tbl WHERE record_table = '" . addslashes($record_table) . "' AND record_key = '" . addslashes($record_key) . "' AND record_val = '" . addslashes($record_val) . "' ORDER BY version_datetime ASC LIMIT " . ($v_count - $this->record_version_min_qty) . " "); while (list($old_id) = mysql_fetch_row($qid)) { $old_versions[] = $old_id; } dbQuery(" DELETE FROM version_tbl WHERE version_id IN ('" . join("','", $old_versions) . "') "); } else { // Delete versions older than record_version_min_days, while still keeping record_version_min_qty. $qid = dbQuery(" SELECT version_id FROM version_tbl WHERE record_table = '" . addslashes($record_table) . "' AND record_key = '" . addslashes($record_key) . "' AND record_val = '" . addslashes($record_val) . "' AND DATE_ADD(version_datetime, INTERVAL '" . $this->record_version_min_days . "' DAY) < NOW() ORDER BY version_datetime ASC LIMIT " . ($v_count - $this->record_version_min_qty) . " "); while (list($old_id) = mysql_fetch_row($qid)) { $old_versions[] = $old_id; } if (sizeof($old_versions) > 0) { dbQuery(" DELETE FROM version_tbl WHERE version_id IN ('" . join("','", $old_versions) . "') "); } } } } /** * Get a list of versions of specified record. * * @param string $record_table The table containing the record. * @param string $record_key The key column for the record. * @param string $record_val The value of the key column for the record. * * @return mixed Array of versions, or false if none. */ function getList($record_table, $record_key, $record_val) { // Get versions of this record. $qid = dbQuery(" SELECT version_id, saved_by_admin_id, version_datetime, version_title FROM version_tbl WHERE record_table = '" . addslashes($record_table) . "' AND record_key = '" . addslashes($record_key) . "' AND record_val = '" . addslashes($record_val) . "' ORDER BY version_datetime DESC "); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qid)) { // Get admin usernames. $qid2 = dbQuery("SELECT username FROM admin_tbl WHERE admin_id = '" . addslashes($row['saved_by_admin_id']) . "'"); list($row['editor']) = mysql_fetch_row($qid2); $versions[] = $row; } if (is_array($versions) && !empty($versions)) { return $versions; } else { return false; } } /** * Get the version record for a specified version id. * * @param string $version_id The id of the version to restore. * * @return mixed Array of data saved in version, or false if none. */ function getVerson($version_id) { // Get version data. $qid = dbQuery(" SELECT * FROM version_tbl WHERE version_id = '" . addslashes($version_id) . "' "); return mysql_fetch_assoc($qid); } /** * Get the data stored for a specified version id. * * @param string $version_id The id of the version to restore. * * @return mixed Array of data saved in version, or false if none. */ function getData($version_id) { // Get version data. $qid = dbQuery(" SELECT * FROM version_tbl WHERE version_id = '" . addslashes($version_id) . "' "); $record = mysql_fetch_assoc($qid); if (isset($record['version_data'])) { return unserialize(gzuncompress($record['version_data'])); } else { return false; } } /** * Get the current record data from the original table. * * @param string $version_id The id of the version to restore. * * @return mixed Array of data saved in version, or false if none. */ function getCurrent($record_table, $record_key, $record_val) { $qid = dbQuery(" SELECT * FROM " . addslashes($record_table) . " WHERE " . addslashes($record_key) . " = '" . addslashes($record_val) . "' "); if ($record = mysql_fetch_assoc($qid)) { return $record; } else { return false; } } } // End of class. ?>