%s has been canceled because there is none in stock"), $order_id), MSG_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__); } /* Otherwise we assume everything was updated okay and that * we have a valid new status and so proceed updating the orders table. */ dbQuery("UPDATE order_tbl SET status = " . addslashes($db_update) . " WHERE order_id = " . addslashes($order_id)); if ($email_user == true) { /* email the user about the order status change */ /* Query to load the details of this order. */ $qid_order = dbQuery("SELECT * FROM order_tbl WHERE order_id = " . addslashes($order_id)); $order = mysql_fetch_assoc($qid_order); /* Query to load the item associated with this order. * $qid_items is used to display a list of items ordered. */ $qid_items = dbQuery(" SELECT oi.product_id, p.title, p.product_type, p.retail_price, oi.purchase_price, oi.purchase_weight, oi.qty, oi.purchase_price * oi.qty AS total FROM order_items_tbl oi LEFT JOIN product_tbl p ON (oi.product_id = p.product_id) WHERE oi.order_id = " . addslashes($order_id) . " "); $item_num = 0; while ($item = mysql_fetch_object($qid_items)) { $product_name = getProductTitle($item->product_id); $item_num++; $subtotal += $item->total; $item_list .= " $product_name " . getFormattedPrice ($item->retail_price) . " x " . $item->qty . "\n"; // $item_list .= " $item->product_id $product_name " . getFormattedPrice($item->retail_price) . " x " . $item->qty . "\n"; } /* Get the credit card info from crypt. */ $cc = uncrypt_cc($order['crypt']); $var = new stdClass; $var->total_items = $item_num; $var->item_list = $item_list; $var->subtotal = getFormattedPrice($subtotal); $var->tax = getFormattedPrice($order['tax']); $var->delivery = getFormattedPrice($order['delivery']); $var->final_price = getFormattedPrice($order['final_price']); $var->email = $order['email']; $var->first_name = $order['first_name']; $var->last_name = $order['last_name']; $var->phone = $order['phone']; $var->bill_street = $order['bill_street']; $var->bill_city = $order['bill_city']; $var->bill_state = $order['bill_state']; $var->bill_zip = $order['bill_zip']; $var->bill_country = $order['bill_country']; $var->ship_street = $order['ship_street']; $var->ship_city = $order['ship_city']; $var->ship_state = $order['ship_state']; $var->ship_zip = $order['ship_zip']; $var->ship_country = $order['ship_country']; $var->notes = $order['notes']; $var->emaillist = !empty($order['emaillist']) ? 'yes' : 'no'; $var->memberme = !empty($order['memberme']) ? 'yes' : 'no'; $var->delivery_type = $order['delivery_type']; if ($order['payment_type'] != 'i_will_mail_my_payment' && $order['payment_type'] != 'contact_me_about_my_order') { $var->payment_info = " " . strtoupper($order['payment_type']) . " credit card\n"; $var->payment_info .= " Cardholder: " . $cc['cc_name'] . "\n"; $var->payment_info .= " " . chop_ccnum($cc['cc_number']) . "\n"; $var->payment_info .= " Expires: " . $cc['cc_expiry']; } else { $var->payment_info = " " . $order['payment_type']; } $var->date = $order['date']; $var->orderid = $order['order_id']; $var->newstatus = $new_status; $var->oldstatus = $old_status; $emailbody = wordwrap(read_template($CFG->templatedir . '/order_status_emailbody.ihtml', $var)); mail("{$order['first_name']} {$order['last_name']} <{$order['email']}>", $TXT->emailsubject_order_status_change . " $var->orderid - $var->newstatus", $emailbody, "From: $CFG->site_name <$CFG->site_email>\r\n"); } // This is a valid order return true; } return false; } /** * Increments or decrements the catalog for items in an order, based on the quantities * in that order. $polarity determines which way to go. Polarity values can be * "+" for increasing the item quantities and thus showing them in the catalog, * or "-" to subtract them from the catalog. * * @param int $order_id the id of the order that we change quantities for * @param char $polarity '+' or '-' to increase or decrease inventory. * * @return bool true if quantity acualization goes through * false if not enough inventory for an order * true if polarity is '=' (don't know when this will happen) * false if polarity is unknown. */ function actualizeOrderItems($order_id, $polarity='') { if ($polarity == '+' || $polarity == '-') { $qid = dbQuery("SELECT product_id, qty as order_qty FROM order_items_tbl WHERE order_id = " . addslashes($order_id)); /* First we make sure each item is in stock in adequate quantities. */ while ($order_item = mysql_fetch_assoc($qid)) { $product_id =& $order_item['product_id']; $qid_p = dbQuery("SELECT qty_in_stock FROM product_tbl WHERE product_id = '$product_id'"); $product = mysql_fetch_assoc($qid_p); if ($polarity == '+') { $new_qty[$product_id] = $product['qty_in_stock'] + $order_item['order_qty']; } else if ($polarity == '-') { $new_qty[$product_id] = $product['qty_in_stock'] - $order_item['order_qty']; } if ($new_qty[$product_id] < 0) { $errormsg .= sprintf(_("Item %s in order number %s is no longer available in that quantity. There are %s available and the order is for %s items."), $product_id, $order_id, $product['qty_in_stock'], $order_item['order_qty']); } } if (empty($errormsg)) { /* We have enough quantities, so we go ahead and make the database changes. */ foreach ($new_qty as $product_id=>$qty) { dbQuery(" UPDATE product_tbl SET qty_in_stock = '$qty' WHERE product_id = '$product_id' "); } return true; } else { /* Not enough of something in stock, we don't touch any quantities in the database. * We should now cancel the order and print an alert that there are not enough items available */ raiseMsg($errormsg, MSG_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } else if ($polarity == '=') { return true; } else { return false; } } ?>